Brown Rice Pudding

Brown Rice Pudding
Enjoy Brown Rice Pudding in the Fall and Winter.

Vata: Decreases

Pitta: Decreases

Kapha: Neutral

Season: Fall

This tasty holiday rice pudding includes healthy brown rice with fiber,  brown sugar (or jaggery) and warming spices for the fall and winter. The brown rice adds a nice nutty flavor and texture to the pudding. Stay nourished and warm with a grounding dessert. Save the recipe for summer, chill the pudding and serve on a hot summer day.  Turmeric is a carminative and an alterative and turns the pudding a lovely golden color like saffron. Saffron purifies the blood, cardamon improves digestion, nutmeg restores the nervous system, cinnamon reduces cholesterol and milk strengthens the bones. As you bring more spices into your foods, you’ll be more healthy and relaxed. In countries where turmeric is used daily, the incidence of cancer is greatly reduced. Get rid of your medicine cabinet when you update your spice rack. And let’s see which one is cheaper in the long run. (The pudding in the photo was made with half cow and half coconut milk.)


  • 1 cup short grain brown rice
  • 4 cups milk (cow, goat, coconut, almond, hemp or combo)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, sucanat or jaggery



  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 4-6 threads saffron
  • Sliced almonds or pistachios
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened flaked coconut
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 2-4 bananas



  1. Soak rice  in water for 30 minutes, rinse and drain
  2. Add milk and rice to heavy bottom pan, simmer 1 hour
  3. Sweeten to taste, add optional spices and toppings
  4. Serve warm or chilled


Serves: 6

Preparation time: 20 minutes (after sprouting)

For Individual Doshas:

Vata: Add mashed bananas to pudding. Top with sliced bananas and cinnamon.

Pitta:  Chill and top with nutmeg and pistachios.

Kapha:  Substitute rice, hemp or almond milk for the cow milk.